Living as Christ’s body through worship, welcome, and witness.

God has called us to worship. And so as his people we gather, every week, to taste and see the glories of the Christ through Word and Sacrament.

Alone, life in a fallen world is impossible. We were made for life together—a communal life characterized by hospitality. At All Saints, we are called to welcome others as God welcomes us through Christ.

As a redeemed and forgiven people, we long to bear witness to the risen Christ in our everyday lives. This means we declare and demonstrate the mercy of Jesus Christ in our workplaces and to our neighbors.

Core values.

Worship that is Ancient + Accessible

As we gather as God’s people to worship the risen Christ, we gather to be caught up in the glory of gospel realities. Worship at All Saints will be warm and liturgical, accessible and ancient.


God has welcomed us through Christ. At the Lord’s Table and our dinner tables, we welcome the world to be caught up in the love and life of Christ.

Spiritual Simplicity

In a world that is increasingly polarized, characterized by digital noise, existential angst, and emotional exhaustion, we believe All Saints is to be a place of spiritual respite, reprieve and truthful clarity. May Jesus’ words in Matthew 11: “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest...” cut through the noise of our lives. Christ alone provides rest, satisfaction, and clarity in a world of distraction and exhaustion.

Creativity + Beauty

God is the ultimate artist, and He has made men and women in his image. We celebrate, cultivate, and encourage creativity and beauty in God’s good world. No matter who you are, God has made you as a creative person. At All Saints, we are committed to equipping our parishioners to use their creative gifts in their everyday lives.

Grief + Gratitude

Following Jesus is not a life in which we pretend.  Rather, it is a life of honesty: we look at the world and our lives and we call out and name the sin and brokenness that we see.  We grieve and lament sin’s profound effects wherever we find it.  We also grieve and lament with resurrection gratitude and hope.  Even with tears in our eyes, we boldly proclaim, “Christ is risen.”

All Saints is a church plant of the Presbyterian Church in America.